A Letter To My Best Friend

By JP Perumba de Puthenveetil


Dear Jonathan Slesenger,


It’s been a while I know

But I can’t help but think back a while ago

Before you left

Before I cried

Before that wild emotional coaster ride

Now I think to where it all went wrong

June 24th

While we were playing ping pong

You asked me a question and I lied

But I can no longer keep that lie inside

So I tell you know what I didn’t tell you then

The lie that has since been destroying me from within

The truth is

Back when we lived together

In that one bedroom apartment in New York

I was that crafty little ghost that stole all of your forks

I know this is a lot to take in

But take it slowly

And please keep in mind this burden I carry

I’ll stop dancing around it

I’ll tell you the reason I'm writing really

I want to finally ask you to forgive me

Now that I’ve gotten this all out

Truly, I’m sorry



Mr. Ghosty Stealy Forky Fingers