Special Dragon Fabric

By JP Perumba de Puthenveetil


Ladies and gentlemen

Boys, and my friend Cindy

Allow me to show you something

You have never seen before --ndy

Far off

From Normandy

Where the tunnels

Are windy --y

I bring you a fabric of complete symmetry --y

That’s right!

A fabric!

A fabric I tell you!

But this fabric is special

Allow me to show you

Look at this fabric

Look at it closely

You see that there?

The dragon scale/

Yes! Precisely

Dragon scale coats will be made out of this

A fireproof, defensive, new type of dress

Now I know what you’re thinking

I'm thinking the same


Our pet dragons can finally wear coats they are comfortable in!

There must be no delay!

Go quickly!

Dress your dragons

And prepare them for their first day of church