Public Service Announcement

By JP Perumba de Puthenveetil


This is a public service announcement

Information best heard over light breakfast

Listen to these words and all will be fine

Then you can go back to your plaid sweaters and fantastic little lives

First on the drawing board

You might not know this, but all your little, young and funky pet ducks,

They’re famished

Yes, all of them yes!

Even Neil, Frank, and Phyllis

Especially Phyllis

You can deal with that information, as you will

This next bit concerns your dear friend Bill

It’s important that you know that the bridge that you take to work is out

You’ll have to find another route

Luckily there’s Bill, your dear friend Bill

Wouldn’t you know he build a cross country tightrope

Now nothing can stop you from beating that late bell

Wait! Wait!

I forgot one last thing

It’s not nearly as important and the duck and Bill related dealings

But just as well

Here it goes

A meteor is hurtling towards Earth

And life as we know it is about to become dust